Tuesday 30 November 2010

Back in Australia after 3 weeks freezing in the Northern Hemisphere

Have finally arrived back in Australia after 3 weeks freezing in the Northern Hemisphere.
Had the opportunity to visit Longwood Gardens during this trip which was great and saw some amazing material - especially this chrysanthemum which is a single plant trained in a style known in Japan as the 'Thousand Bloom'. The name refers to the number of blooms and the symmetry and beauty found in the perfect half dome shape. It has taken over 14 months for the plant to grow to this size and they have already started work on next year’s display material.

Also great to see some of our Festival Burgundy in the Conservatory at Longwood doing well in the tropical conditions.

Have also attached some other images taken at Longwood of the various parts of the garden and the last image of the green wall is apparently the longest green wall structure in the world – this is what they claim but I am yet to verify but it looked great.